If InstantDFM times out in your browser or you receive an email that states "We Were Unable To Process Your InstantDFM Results", typically one of the following has occurred:
1. The files you have attempted to upload do not meet the requirements. Your files must be compressed RS-274X (Gerber), Gerber X2 or ODB++ files in a .ZIP or .RAR format and less than 10MB in total size.
2. There are multiple sets of design data in .ZIP or .RAR file. Do not include multiple sets of Gerber data, or, a set of both Gerber and ODB++ data in the same data set.
3. During periods of heavy usage, it's also possible that InstantDFM may 'time out' in your web browser, but in these instances, you should still receive an email with a link to your results once your files have successfully processed (approximately 10-15 minutes).
These are the most common reasons why DFM results cannot be processed but there are a few others, such as as too many missing files, or files that are overly large in size.
If you're confident that your files meet these requirements and you're still having difficulty receiving proper results, then it's possible that there may be an issue with the InstantDFM tool itself and we recommend you contact BAC for support.
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